Monday, August 25, 2014

Getting Lost, Tomatoes, andTwirling Ladies in Dirndl

*I think I fixed the problem with commenting, so go ahead and give it a try! Thanks to Cait for pointing it out to me!*

I arranged to go to a crossfit gym Sunday evening and get my first workout in since Göteborg, but for the second time I found myself of the edge of the map and unable to find my desired destination. I was off the U-bahn with 20 minutes to get to class and two missed lefts and an hour later I was on a bus back to the Ostbahnhof (train station), defeated.

And then I noticed the festivities happening across the street. 

It was something like a neighborhood festival, with foods stands and craft booths and bier trailers. I ordered wurst and ordered an Augustiner (the last Pope's favorite). After returning my plate, I sat down in a new spot towards the back of the tables. The last sitting with her back to me turned around a few minutes later and invited me to join her and her husband at their table. She was retired, but had used English in her work. Between the two of us, we chatted in a mix of languages back and forth until our trio was joined by another great haired local who was on his way back from his garden with fresh tomatoes, one of which he insisted I take. Bio und frisch! 

The music was good, couples in jeans and trachten were dancing, the benches were swaying as people sang along. The lady's husband insisted on buying me a radler when my bite was empty, and we sat listening and drinking and talking under the lights strung from the trees until the sun went down.

I was up early this morning to board a train to Innsbruck... It feels good to be back in Austria!

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