Tuesday, September 16, 2014

a Walk through Prague

I'm back in the Czech Republic! This place fascinates me. The food, the people, the national identity, the language... It is so similar to the other places I love, but has it's own distinctly Czech twist. You can see the impression of Austrian, Prussian, and Russian occupations in the architecture. Concurrently there is a national pride for contributions to art and industry in which they see themselves not as underdogs, but leaders in the international community. Did you know that "robot" is a Czech word?

Gothic towers galore!

 I indulged myself in a walk from Malostranska subway station and through old town on my way to the main train station. After a first look at the subway map, I was happy to remember the way from my last visit. 2 blocks downhill past the Julius Meinl café, then right...

 Keep to the right at the split, past Hostel Mango and Lokal (the Pilsner Urquell restaurant)...

Remember this, Mom?

... then left up the hill and across Karluv Most (Charles Bridge)...

The Dutch football team lost 2:1 that evening :(

And so on through the winding streets and medieval towers to the long promenade, which Kingking Wenceslas looks over on his tall horse. If you ever need to set a meeting point with Czech friends, simply tell them you'll see them "at the horse," and they will know exactly what you mean.

This time it wasn't snowing!

I arrived at the train station, and a few short hours later my train pulled into Ostrava-Svinov. Petra and her mom were waiting for me with smiles and hugs.

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