Friday, April 28, 2017

2 days in Vancouver

Let's say, hypothetically, that you have a spring weekend to spend in Vancouver, BC. What should you do with them? Here's what I did with two of my friends last Saturday and Sunday.

North and West Vancouver from Stanley Park

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Bishop Arts District (Dallas, TX)

The week after my Quebec trip, I immediately had another trip scheduled for a training in Dallas. Oofda. Nevertheless, I headed south in search of sunshine and coffee. While it turned out that Dallas is a coffee wasteland, there was sunshine and chaco weather!

Everything's bigger in Texas? 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Second Quebec weekend (more snowshoeing!)

I've run into a bit of a bind. Mumsy took nearly all of the photos on her birthday, since I spent the morning "ice canoeing." Mumsy hasn't shared her photos yet, so I'm going to break the time sequence of my posts and jump to the end of the week.

Two of my co-workers, who are about my age and started at our company about the same time as me, invited me to go snowshoeing with them after our week of training. Of course I said yes! So Friday, while most of my American teammates were flying home, LC and I loaded our gear into JD's car and headed down the St Lawrence. (After a quick stop at Tim Hortons, of course!)

Morning sun in Petite-Rivière-Saint-François