Saturday, May 30, 2020

New benches and old drawers

I bought a bench. It's been my biggest non-travel purchase in a while and makes a world of difference when I'm working with my now-working planes. My evenings are now comfortably filled with shavings and bits of random projects...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Homebound adventures (with old tools)

Once the wave of realization that I was grounded and isolated for the forseeable future receded, I realized that my life really wasn't going to change much. I work from home 3 weeks out of 4 (more or less), and my community/family is, for the most part, elsewhere. Sure, I really miss working from coffee shops or pubs for the enjoyment of a different venue. Writing greeting cards from a park is hardly the same! But for the past year, my main means of leaving the house has been on foot, and neighborhood walks are as enjoyable as ever. Figuring out how to replace the exploration stimulus was my bigger worry. Fortunatly, I have a garage of old tools that I'd been planning on working on since... well, I bought the jack plane for $7 at Shipwreck Day in high school. It's been collecting dust and rust since then!