Thursday, March 27, 2014

First OD of the spring!

I love sunshine in the Pacific NorthWest. I'll take any temperature, just give it to me with sun!

With daylight savings time, there's a few hours beautiful daylight after work that lures you away from the office and into the hills. I had the best company for this trip. We traipsed up the trail, arriving to a stunning view of the San Juans.

Four fingers between the horizon and sun told us we had about an hour of light left, which meant a gorgeous sunset as we made our way back to the road and reality.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Meet Buckley, the Wandering Bison

Life back in the great PNW really hasn't been as dull as my silence would lead you to believe. I haven't gotten out and about as much as I'd like (work and dreary weather), but life goes on.

A few weeks before my birthday, Mom and Dad came down to Charleston for a visit. While visiting the national park at Ft Moultrie, Mom bought me my first birthday present: a mascot for my future travels!

Meet Buckley, the Wandering Bison

My new buffalo buddy and I had an easy flight home, and are looking forward to our next round of travels... wherever they may be!

Buckley, tucked in the back of my backpack with his plaid travel pillow.