Monday, March 27, 2017

Mumsy Arrives in Quebec City

Mumsy came with me to Quebec this past week. I have three days of training here, she had a birthday to celebrate and very much enjoys the city. It seemed like a perfect plan! Flying in on Friday, we immediately launched into a weekend of food, history, food, outdoor adventure, and more food.

We found the costume closet... 

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Around the time of his birthday (in January), M asked me what I wanted for my birthday. Thinking along the lines of our weekend in Seattle, I said "a memory." A few weeks later, M said "How about snowshoeing?" An afternoon in the trees on the side of a mountain!? Yes, please! How about someplace new, like Grouse Mountain? Wearing our snow boots and passports in hand, we drove up to Vancouver to find our way above the snow line. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017


Work sent me down to Tacoma for a week of training, so I explored a little bit... here are a few shots from downtown. It's a way cooler city than we up north give it credit for!

There is a great Anthem Coffee in the State Museum just to the right of the old train station