Thursday, March 10, 2011

More on Venice

    Launie shared a few more pictures of Venice with me, which is Fantastic since I really didn't take that many, and she was the only person to have her camera out over dinner! I ordered a Menu, which is essentially the deal of the day. It was three courses: Penne, Polenta with Gargonzola and Bleu cheese, and a salad. Yes, in Italy they eat the salad last and always serve bread with the meal so you can wipe your plate! Kate ordered a Pizza with Artichoke and Fungi (they call mushrooms what they are). Launie ordered a Calazone that was stuffed with a couple different types of cheese and had an egg somehow fried inside of it. Two of their fellow Landscape Architecture students joined us- the more the merrier!

    The other handy bit about having 
Launie's photos is that she got some of the traditional costume and the back corners of Venice where we were lost for a short time- until we went into a tiny shop and the girls asked for directions! Once we knew which Piazza we were in, it was no trouble getting back to the main bridge. On the way, we passed buildings where the laundry was hung out to dry, the tiny bridges were empty,

 and just a few costumed Venetians were reclined in the sunny piazzas. Still, the €2 map that I bought at the beginning of the day was a worthwhile investment! 
    The ESN office organized a city walking tour on Sunday afternoon. Afterwards, we all went in to the Gösser brewery for talks and drinks- where everyone ordered tea because we were freezing! Anyways, sitting across from two Italians the group started talking about what Venice would 
be like in 50 years. The city was once around 200,000 people, and now only 60,000 Venetians live there. The older generation is gone. The conclusion of the Italians? Without drastic intervention, the city will be gone in 50 years. Storm surges, high tides, and settling pile foundations are slowly taking their tole on 600 years of brick, stone, and plaster. 

    I am still hoping that the little bag of postcards and souvenirs that I left on the bus turns up at some point, although my second visit to the travel agency was a fruitless as my first, because in 50 years that may be all that I have of Venice! (Also, the bag contains part of Emily's birthday present... blast!)

    Thanks again for dinner, Dad! Oh, and the girls and their friends said to say "thanks!," too!

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