Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1/3 of the way...

168/3 = 56 = number of days I have been in Austria!

I can hardly believe that my time here is 33% finished. School has taken over a large part of my time now, but I try to take a break from classes/friends/homework/avoiding homework/facebook to sit back and enjoy the fact that I am in Austria. Today it happened at Sorger's on the way home from class (I realized that Sorgar reminds me of the A&W in Creston, what Grandpa calls the "old folk's home")- time to sit down and sip a braun Verlängerter.

(new formatting- click "read more" for the full post)
I've started brainstorming things I want to do/places I want to go in the next few months. Here is where it stands now:

climb outside
have at least one german language exchange
be an exceptional guest
become a "regular" at a pub or café (Skyping from Barista's does't count)
pass all classes
feet in the Adriatic in Croatia or Slovenia
survive the epic marathon with Smalls in July
hike to an alpine hut
back to Deutschland

Any suggestions for the list? You can leave a comment without having a blogger/gmail account!


  1. Oh I would love to go to Croatia! I hope that happens for you! I wish I could come and see you :) You will love seeing your folks before long.
    Have a coffee for me.

  2. How about a visit with parents!!


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