Friday, June 7, 2019

PDX Layover

I’ve traveled frequently in the last several months, but for some reason they didn’t feel like things I wanted to write about. Portland explorations have been occupying most of my time, mixed in with my work trips. My new home base is in Northeast, an ideal start point for wanderings through Portland’s many neighborhoods. Hollywood, Alberta, Belmont, Ladd’s, and Kerns, to name a few, have lured me on adventures. Work has sent me to Ohio, Texas, up to Washington, out to Quebec… but as I sit here in the Delta lounge at PDX (Portland International Airport), I’m waiting for my first “vacation” in almost a year to take off. A trip entirely unattached to work or a holiday.
It's true, we love it in Oregon!
Maybe it was that I was adjusting to being alone, even though most of my travel is solo… there’s a difference between being part of a “more-than-one” and travelling by oneself, and being a single unit moving through the pattern of being away and “home.” The context of coming and going has changed, and the location of “Home” has changed, too. In a way, moving was the biggest trip I’ve taken in the past year. Now, I'm looking forward to a bit of backpack-based exploration... if I can just keep my eyes open and my brain focused!
Grazing on one of the last bits of PDX carpet
The truth is, I just got back from a work trip a few hours ago. I’m half awake as I write, waiting for my brain to slow down enough to let me sleep to Atlanta. I walked into my room at 10 pm last night, and spent the next hour and a half unpacking, refilling, shuffling, deliberating, recharging… then 3 hours of sleep, and my alarm was beeping at me again. Another Uber, another walk through the airport and meal from the lounge buffet. Another wait to board, flight across the country, and finally on to Germany, where it will be Anne’s birthday when I arrive!

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