Saturday, October 6, 2018

Park Butte hike (Tea at the Top)

I'm standing at my desk, looking out at newly re-greened grass and wet asphalt. I love this change in weather and the cozy, tea-sipping, book-reading mood it creates. But before the clouds blew in, we got out onto the mountain for one last clear, dry, early fall day. The mountains were out, and Dock Butte was in fine form! 

For the first part of the hike, I was overwhelmed by trees and views that got better and better as we went along. Then, around a half mile up the trail, our hike went from "slow but steady" to "hardly moving." There were still blueberries out there! The bushes were hiding black-blue berries under the summer green and autumn golden-red leaves. Many were at the end of their short berry lives, but there were still ripe ones to glean all over the place!

As we moved out of the trees and into a series of openings and meadows, Mt Baker, Mt Shucksan, and the rest of the North Cascades became visible. There was a dusting of fresh snow on Roman Wall down to Black Buttes, and we could see the small white dot of Park Butte below Railroad Grade. The Scott Paul Trail looks so smooth and easy on the side of Mt Baker from this far out!

My hiking buddies were my Mumsy and her friend Ruthanna, who is a downright badass when it comes to mountaineering. She's done a couple dozen 14'ers and is training for Kilimanjaro... at the young age of 74! Mumsy is no slouch when it comes to hiking, either (I'm really hoping she'll go on the Kilimanjaro trip next year, too!), and likes hiking with bone china for "tea at the top." In keeping with tradition, she unfolded a table square on top of Dock Butte, had each of us pick out our cup and saucer pattern, and poured strong cups of tea. There couldn't have been a better view, better weather, or a lovelier pair of ladies to share the experience with! 

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