I finally uploaded our pictures to Picasa!
To view the album directly, check out the album online here.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Map of our Adventures
I like google maps- here is roughly our route for the past two weeks! It isn't quite finished yet, but we're up to Firenze/Florence...
View Ana and Rebecca's Adventures in a larger map
View Ana and Rebecca's Adventures in a larger map
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Home again...
My laptop was stolen in Vienna (one of the safest large cities on earth!) so I am currently without my picture loading software, but rather than bore everyone with pages of text and pictures I will post photo albums from the last few weeks on the Photo Gallery page in the next few days. Otherwise, it would take forever to sort it all!
In any case, Ana and I have survived our adventures and have many stories to tell...
In any case, Ana and I have survived our adventures and have many stories to tell...
Monday, July 18, 2011
Wien, take 4
Ana and I are finally in Vienna! We have met up with Tim Irving (a friend from home) and a korean girl we met on the train for an afternoon tour of downtown. Went out for a last sachertorte with Viennese coffee and later a kebab... Can't believe that tomorrow's is our last day! I picked up my bags from the hostel, except for the one with my laptop and important documents... Hopefully it is found before we leave!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Travels so far (Paris-Basque Country)
That was getting a little long, so here is the second part of our week in overview
Bas took us to Hallum (where Opa's family came from) in the morning and then dropped us off at the train station in Leeuwarden. We spent the afternoon going to Paris, with a short layover in Brussels on our way.
Mylene and her friend Aman picked us up in Paris and treated us to a FANTASTIC 3 course French dinner (i ate frogs legs while sipping Bordeaux and watching the Eiffel tower sparkle) and a driving tour of Paris by night, complete with drop off service at our cute little hostel.
oh blast, I am out of time. More to come!
Bas took us to Hallum (where Opa's family came from) in the morning and then dropped us off at the train station in Leeuwarden. We spent the afternoon going to Paris, with a short layover in Brussels on our way.
Mylene and her friend Aman picked us up in Paris and treated us to a FANTASTIC 3 course French dinner (i ate frogs legs while sipping Bordeaux and watching the Eiffel tower sparkle) and a driving tour of Paris by night, complete with drop off service at our cute little hostel.
oh blast, I am out of time. More to come!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Hola from Barca! (Venice-Netherlands)
I am currently sitting on the computer at our hostel in Barcelona- we walked from the bus station last night between 11:00 and 12:00 through a still very busy La Rambla to this funky little place in the Gothic Quarter really close to the water end of Barcelona's busiest shopping street. The internet connection is decent and nobody is in line, so I will try to upload a few pictures and let you see our who/what/where of the last few days. Hard to believe that it has already been a week!
First stop: Venice, where I ran around the city with George, Erin, and Mr Madden for a day and a half... (click read more)
Then on to Fulda (via Frankfurt Hann airport, which is not in Frankfurt). I hung out with Anne Stein for a few days- brought back a lot of old memories and made some new ones!
6 trains after Fulda I was finally in Amsterdam. The next morning I met Ana at Schiphol airport and we ran around the city for the day...
... and from there, to Harlingen the next morning. Bas and Rik picked us up at the station and then turned the two of us loose to explore the city
Then on to Fulda (via Frankfurt Hann airport, which is not in Frankfurt). I hung out with Anne Stein for a few days- brought back a lot of old memories and made some new ones!
6 trains after Fulda I was finally in Amsterdam. The next morning I met Ana at Schiphol airport and we ran around the city for the day...
... and from there, to Harlingen the next morning. Bas and Rik picked us up at the station and then turned the two of us loose to explore the city
Ana+Poffertjes |
Oma and Opa- the Mast is finished! |
gallivanting with sheep on the dijk |
Thanks again to Bas, Rik, and Max! |
Monday, July 11, 2011
We just spent two days with the Amonarriz family celebrating Grandma´s birthday, visiting pre-historic caves, walking through Donostia/San Sebastian with ginormous ice cream cones, eating too much good food, driving through Basque villages, and taking evening bike rides through Tolosa- today, a visit to San Fermin in Pamplona/iruña (and giving mz flatmate Mikel back his contact lenses) and then to Barcelona for two days. Ana and I had so much fun in Paris and the Netherlands. She is a great travel buddy!
Much love from the Basque country, -becks (and ana)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Mylene and a friend of hers picked us up at the train station last night and treated to an a,azing dinner and tour of the city... Ana and I just zoke up and are going to explore it on foot all day; tonight on to the Basque Country!
much love, drop us a note- wikes i need to figure out these French kewboqrds!
PS the Netherlands were FANTASTIC!
much love, drop us a note- wikes i need to figure out these French kewboqrds!
PS the Netherlands were FANTASTIC!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Hi from Fulda
Hi all- just a note to let you know that I am still alive and in Fulda with Anna Stein! I had a great time with half of the Madden family in Venice, can't wait to see Ana in a few days!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Goodbye Graz
I have not really had time to be sad about leaving Graz- everything is has happened so fast here that even sitting on the train (with a roller duffel, small duffel, and two large backpacks) on my way from Graz to Vienna for the last time still seems like just another part of my routine.
Even though the last week has been "normal," there are so many moments that stand out as having been really exceptional. Like Monday night, when Ruth and I made a quick trip to meet some of our new Austrian friends at a pub and ended up hanging out and watching a movie for the entire evening. Or last night, when the same three guys (+Maria!) came over, and Basti made us Kaiserschmarrn. Christoph brought Maria and I "goodbye Austria survival" gifts of Manner Schnitte and Mozartkugeln. In Maria's words, "unglaublich," unbelievable!
I have also managed to say goodbye to so many friends, spend an entire day hiking in the Vorberge (foothills), fail my first university exam (and therefore the class), score an A on an oral history exam,
sell my bicycle (for the same amount I bought it for!), go for one last coffee at Café Binder, and move out of my apartment.
On Tuesday I escaped to the edge of Graz and hiked up the castle ruins which have been tempting me since I first arrived in Graz.... (click Read more)Ruine Gösting's foundationd date back to the 13th century and are free to wander through, including the chapel and the tower. From the small Gasthaus terrasse you have a fantastic view down the Mur valley and over Graz. I spent an hour wandering through dark chambers and crumbling walls. The Auer family, owners of a bread kingdom in Graz, have plans to do some rennovation and plant vines on the hillside. I think it will be worth a trip back!
Basti, Maria, Peter, Christoph, and me- last goodbye! |
On Tuesday I escaped to the edge of Graz and hiked up the castle ruins which have been tempting me since I first arrived in Graz.... (click Read more)Ruine Gösting's foundationd date back to the 13th century and are free to wander through, including the chapel and the tower. From the small Gasthaus terrasse you have a fantastic view down the Mur valley and over Graz. I spent an hour wandering through dark chambers and crumbling walls. The Auer family, owners of a bread kingdom in Graz, have plans to do some rennovation and plant vines on the hillside. I think it will be worth a trip back!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Mittlealterfest Oberkapfenberg
Today Bastian drove Ruth, his friend Peter, and myself to Kapfenberg (second largest city in the Steiermark) for their medieval festival. I felt like a kid in a candy shop!
The full album is in the Photo Gallery or on Picasa for your viewing pleasure.
The full album is in the Photo Gallery or on Picasa for your viewing pleasure.
Horns were blown, imaginary arrows were shot
Trumpets, drums, and flags spinners performed
(click Read more)
Swords were admired and silly hats were worn
Peter and Bastian were great guides
Kaspresknödel was eaten in the castle
Axes were thrown (3 for 4 and 1 for 4, respectively)
Funny songs were sung
What a fun afternoon! I will post about yesterday's hiking trip later this week, after I trade photos with the rest of the hikers.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
a Midsummer Night's Dream
It started out with a free moccachino at Parks (because my card was full) and then migrated to Stadtpark, where some Swedish girls (Maria and Elena, the ones wearing wreathes in the picture right) planned a Svensk Midsommar festival/party. There was laughing, singing (in Swedish), a decorated Midsommar tree, eating of raw fish and Knackerbrod, drinking Radlers (while the Swedes drank schnapps... they have a lot of drinking songs), and dancing like crazy people in the circle around the tree.
Well, Maria invited two of her Austrian friends, and we got talking when they heard that I was from a place where there was fantastic backcountry skiing. I started to explain my "bucket list" for Graz, and a few hours later five of us (Christoph, Bastian, Ruth, Mikel, and I) were going up Schlossberg to see the stars and the city by night. There might have been some climbing of the Hacker Lion statue once we got to the top...
Afterwords, we sat on the wall near the Uhrturm (clocktower) and talked until it was time to go home (hiking plans for the morning... more on that to come). We all live in the same direction, so we walked home... and made a short detour for Kabap before finally coming home. Ruth and I gave Mikel hugs goodbye, and finally hit the hay.
Mikel, Bastian, Christoph, and Ruth on the wall |
Tomorrow, Bastian is taking me to a Mittelalterfest in a town just outside of Graz :) Another check off the list!
BTW, here is the link to the pension that Christoph's family owns/runs in St. Anton von Arlberg... Christoph designed the website http://www.gaestehaus-kolp.at
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Since coming back from Croatia I have been trying to deal with the fact that I am leaving Graz in a week. There are so many things that I will miss about Graz... here are ten of them, in no particular order...
There are yogurt vending machines at theTaking down the maypole in Hauptplatz
university.- I am free to think critically about american culture, politics, and history and have opportunity to epress my thoughts
- I'm not fluent in German yet. I can't leave before I'm fluent, can I? now where i can generally understand people, and am starting to learn to express myself. And there are so many other languages around me!
- Transport- bike everywhere. public transportation rocks. and it's flippin easy here.
- it is hard to have a "buybuybuy" supermarket when you have to pay for every (resuable!) shopping bag and walk home with it
- distinct coffee culture, sweet lokals, and 300 types of bread...
- just starting to really get to know people, I meet new people every day- so many interesting people out there!
- I live at the gateway to so many amazing places with unique cultures, languages
- the weather is great- the rain rarely lasts for more than a day, the sun comes out after thunderstorms, and it smells like Creston :)
- Castles, Roman ruins, and recent history (first hand and second hand) is so much better than a book!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Cooking Turkish
Petra, Mediha, and Ezgi invited me over last Friday (before I left for Croatia) for dinner and a lesson in how to make a delicious Turkish desert called Helva. Here is how Mediha made it:
Helva (from Istanbul)
One note- the "cup" we used was just a regular cup. Mediha said that she has made it from many different recipes, and this time she didn't use one- so everything is approximate!
Our main dish was pasta- which, I learned, the Turks top with yogurt! Evidently my love of eating just about anything with yogurt would be quite at home in Istanbul :)
In other news, it is only two weeks until I leave Graz. At this time on July 1. I will be on a train somewhere in northern Italy, on my way to meet up with Erin and her dad and bro in Venice. Yikes! So much still to do... time for a list!
Helva (from Istanbul)
- 1,5 cups flour into a pot on medium heat, stir continuously
- 1,5 cups sugar + 2,5 c water in a second pot
- When the flour starts to brown a little add ~ 200g butter and approx. the same amount of sunflower oil. It should be about as thick as cream of wheat. Keep stirring until it boils.
- Drop a little batter into the sugar water. If it turns white quickly, you are ready for the next step.
- Pour the sugar water into the batter. Watch out- it is a little explosive! Stir rapidly until thick.
- Cool, spoon onto a plate, and enjoy!
One note- the "cup" we used was just a regular cup. Mediha said that she has made it from many different recipes, and this time she didn't use one- so everything is approximate!
Our main dish was pasta- which, I learned, the Turks top with yogurt! Evidently my love of eating just about anything with yogurt would be quite at home in Istanbul :)
In other news, it is only two weeks until I leave Graz. At this time on July 1. I will be on a train somewhere in northern Italy, on my way to meet up with Erin and her dad and bro in Venice. Yikes! So much still to do... time for a list!
- go up SchloĂźberg on a clear night
- eat a Steirer Schnitzle
- go to the RitterFest near BrĂĽck on der Mur
- have coffee at the cute blue place near the Opera that I saw the first week here
- finish my "regular's" card at the climbing gym
- ... Suggestions??
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Hrvatska day 2 - Zagreb
Goodbye, Hostel Elena! |
Best guides ever! |
If you get a chance, I definitely recommend a trip to Croatia. You will be stunned by how clear the waters are, warmed by how friendly, welcoming, and quick to laugh the people are, and drowned in the thousands of years of history.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A day on the Croatian Coast
Besides a short stop at a rest station (with a meters long line for the bathroom), I the next thing I distinctly remember is blearily asking the fellow next to me if the bus leader had just announced that we were in Zadar. At 5 am I stumbled off the bus, asked a taxi driver which direction town was, and walked through the gate as the sun hit the islands. My first hours in Zadar were spent walking along the white stone promenade and through the city. There is a "sea organ"built along the wall which is "played" by the waves as they roll in. The rhythmic splashing of the water was turned into chords which were quiet and peaceful in the morning and louder when the breeze picked up in the evening. You can listen to it on the Videos page. (click Read more)
By seven the market was starting to buzz. Zadar has a special fish market built inside the city walls and full of the local catches. Raw fish didn't sound so great for breakfast so I visited two bakery stands to satiate my grumbling stomach. It was even more fun at the fruit stands, where I tried to explain to the apricot lady that I only wanted one piece of fruit, but ended up with one kilo! The currency in Croatia is the Kuna, which was trading at about 7,5 Kn : €1. Even in a tourist town like Zadar, everything runs cheaper. Boutique gelato cones are 6 Kn (€0,81 vs Graz, €1,10), a gourmet cappuccino 10 Kn (€1,35 vs Graz, €2,50-€3).
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